{% include 'Global/message.html.twig' with { type: 'warning',icon: 'fas fa-info', message: "Please wait a few seconds if the translation interface freezes at page load, or edit the files in translations/ folder at root of the project directly in your favorite text editor"|trans } %}
{% include 'Global/message.html.twig' with { type: 'info',icon: 'fas fa-info', message: "After editing a translation message, go to the Console page and execute the following command: cache:clear --env=prod in order to apply the changes in the production environment"|trans } %}
{# {% include 'Global/message.html.twig' with { type: 'info',icon: 'fas fa-info', message: "After editing a translation in the javascript domain, go to the Console page and execute the following command to update the related files: bazinga:js-translation:dump assets/js --format=js --merge-domains"|trans } %}#}