{% trans_default_domain 'FOSCommentBundle' %}
This file is part of the FOSCommentBundle package.
(c) FriendsOfSymfony
This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
with this source code in the file LICENSE.
{% block fos_comment_comment %}
{% include "Global/user-avatar.html.twig" with { user: comment.author, showusernametooltip: true } %}
{% block fos_comment_comment_body %}
{% if comment is fos_comment_in_state(constant('FOS\\CommentBundle\\Model\\CommentInterface::STATE_DELETED')) %}
{% trans from 'FOSCommentBundle' %}fos_comment_comment_deleted{% endtrans %}
{% else %}
{% if comment is fos_comment_raw %}
{{ comment.rawBody | raw }}
{% else %}
{{ comment.body | nl2br }}
{% endif %}
{% if children is defined %}
{% include '@FOSComment/Thread/comments.html.twig' with { "comments": children, "depth": depth + 1, "parent": comment, "view": view } %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif view is same as('flat') and children is defined %}
{% include '@FOSComment/Thread/comments.html.twig' with { "comments": children, "depth": depth + 1, "parent": comment, "view": view } %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock fos_comment_comment_children %}
{% if comment is fos_comment_in_state(constant('FOS\\CommentBundle\\Model\\CommentInterface::STATE_DELETED')) %} {% trans from 'FOSCommentBundle' %}fos_comment_comment_deleted{% endtrans %} {% else %} {{ comment.authorName }} {% endif %}
{{ comment.createdAt|localizeddate('none', 'none', app.request.locale, date_timezone, date_format) }} {% endblock fos_comment_comment_metas_authorline %} {% block fos_comment_comment_metas_edit %} {% if fos_comment_can_edit_comment(comment) %} {% endif %} {% endblock fos_comment_comment_metas_edit %} {% block fos_comment_comment_metas_delete %} {% if fos_comment_can_delete_comment(comment) %} {% if comment is fos_comment_in_state(constant('FOS\\CommentBundle\\Model\\CommentInterface::STATE_DELETED')) %} {# undelete #} {% else %} {# delete #} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock fos_comment_comment_metas_delete %} {% block fos_comment_comment_metas_voting %} {% if fos_comment_can_vote(comment) %}{% if comment is fos_comment_raw %} {{ comment.rawBody | raw }} {% else %} {{ comment.body | nl2br }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock fos_comment_comment_body %}